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New Hope 2025
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The Torp Family
Obey the Lord´s Prophetic Word - and it will be fulfilled!
There is a stream of revelation coming from God´s heart to His children on Planet...
Rebuild Spiritual Walls and Gates
We have faced for twelve years the voices of Christians who wanted us to lay down...
Stand up for Refugees - in Europe and Beyond
The Ukraine Refugee Crisis is putting demands on humanity, religions, and the Christian...
2022 is as «the Days of Noah» - but the Promises from God are still Valid
We are in perilous times in 2022. In many ways it looks a lot like «the days of...
This is the KAIROS time for Oslo
We believe that this is the KAIROS time for Oslo. Today is New Year's Day 2022,...
Praying against «Christian Corruption» in Norway
A prerequisite for any true Christian revival and transformation in Norway is that we...
Gideon´s Ministry
Why do Christians think that we must be many to win great victories? You can read...
Why aren´t your Prayers answered?
Oslolkirken has been blessed by God during the past four months to enter into a deeper...
The Prophecy that unlocked my Destiny
On March 4th, 2010 I attended Cindy & Mike Jacobs´ conference in Dallas, Texas....
Endorse and Support financially
God is preparing his Church in Europe for times of transformation. But for this, we...
Standards for Christian Donations to the Poor and Needy
Europe (including Norway) needs to have an entity that sets sensible standards for Christian...
Christian Unity and the Corona Vaccine
Good friends of ours in Norway warn against corona vaccines. That's okay. I myself am...
«Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?»
The mighty pentecostal-charismatic revival that is sweeping the world in our modern times,...
We believe in Prophecy, and it leads to Change and Action!
In Oslochurch we prophesy when the Holy Spirit lays it upon us. On Sunday, we prophesied...
What is a Pentecostal?
Some times I am baffled by «pentecostals» who seriously denounce the true characteristics...
God is transforming Norway
Something is changing in Norway! The apostolic-prophetic-evangelistic-revivia l expression...
From Promise to Restoration
After three years of slow development in Oslo, Oslochurch has finally started to grow!...
Credible Aid to Religious Defectors is Needed
Jan-Aage Torp has written on the newspaper Vårt Land´s debateforum Verdidebatt about...
Many people are faithful except when they are needed, available except when they choose...
The Problems of Power
I have written the article below for Aftenposten, Norway´s largest newspaper, which has...
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