News/Historic: Oslokirken/-God is telling His story about Oslochurch!

-God is telling His story about Oslochurch!

Pastor Duke Ajieh
Oslokirken Media
July 08, 2013
-God is telling His story about Oslochurch!Pastor Duke Ajieh (photo: Tor H. Lanton)

In an inspirational, prophetic message last night at the pub, pastor Duke Ajieh conveyed a heartwarming message in Norwegian: -God is telling His story about Oslochurch! Human beings don´t see beyond the physical reality, but God is the Author of success: He creates the success stories!

Pastor Duke Ajieh is the second-in-command (secretary) of the executive  committee of the European division of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). After 15 years as a pastor in Norway, Duke Ajieh prefers to preach in English. But yesterday it happened: Pastor Duke preached in fluent Norwegian at the pub!

- I want to share the story of Christ tonight, Duke Ajieh established as he began preaching. -Like Jonah of the Old Testament, we so often have our own plans. Jonah didn´t want to bring the message to Nineveh, but preferred Tarsus. But God wanted to create a different story, so He made Jonah do it in His way by sending him into the belly of a fish.

- God has not changed: "I, the Lord, do not go back on my promises" (Malachi 3:6). God does the same today! He is the God of the second chance!

- Peter of the New Testament was impulsive, doing things in his own way. But God did not give him up. Jesus worked with him, and Peter became the rock!

- Pastors Jan-Aage & Aina have been through fire, but God has not given up on this church. The end of God´s story will be more glorious than the beginning! Human beings don´t see beyond the physical reality, but God is the Author of success: He creates the success stories! God is leading you from one level to the next! When we let Him order our steps, there will be total victory! declared the Nigerian-born pastor.

- Everyone who God used in the Bible had to suffer much. Abram became Abraham - the father of many nations. That came through much suffering! He did not bow down to the lies of satan who is the opposite of God. Satan is the father of lies. God, however, made Abraham the father of many nations!

- We have now entered the second half of 2013. I declare that the second half will be more glorious than the first half! finished pastor Duke Ajieh.

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