In a powerful message yesterday on the Christian values of a nation, Pastor Jan-Aage spoke from Isaiah 66 about how God woos a nation until Himself.
Jan-Aage & Aina Torp dressed for the Bicentennial celebration of Norway-The message of Isaiah 66 is not that a nation is born in one single day, but the birthing and development of the nation is an ongoing love affair that involves delight and joy: "you may drink deeply with delight" (verse 11), and "you shall see, and your heart shall rejoice; your bones shall flourish like the grass; and the hand of the Lord shall be known to his servants, and he shall show his indignation against his enemies" (verse 14), rendered Jan-Aage.
-If we think that reforming a nation is first and foremost about rules and laws, then we are wrong. The Christian-based constitution and laws of a nation have significance to the extent that they reflect the experience of God´s wonderful purposes, plans, will, care and love for the individuals, families and communities of a nation, said Jan-Aage Torp. -The 1814 Constitution of Norway was an excellent piece of work, but the task in our nation is unfinished. We need to receive into our lives as individuals, families, churches and communities the love and truth of God. His Grace will ultimately save our nation Norway!
Jan-Aage emphasized that these principles are valid for every nation: -Even the modern European Union structure was conceived by two Godly men, Konrad Adenauer and Robert Schuman. But then the EU chose to emphasize financial and capitalist values as the core definition of the union, and that estranges people from God. Europe needs to experience the Grace of God, underscored Jan-Aage as his wife Aina led worship and communion.